Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Corporate SEO/Web Marketing Training Bangalore

Corporate In-House Web Marketing Management Training Bangalore

In-House Web/Digital Marketing Training Overview

A custom web/Digital marketing training course for IT, Marketing Department, Sale Department focusing on search engine optimization SEO, search engine marketing SEM, social media marketing SMM has been designed to give web marketing training to your IT, Marketing staffs to give an overview of SEO, SEM, SMM latest industry statistics, fact files, case studies and how to implement SEO, SEM, SMS strategies within the organization. Tweak your existing marketing initiatives for maximum exposure and maximum results. IT Classes, IT Training. The entire workshop will be focused towards the goal and objectives of your organization.
Create company “Web Marketing (SEO, SEM, and SMM) Standards” in order to drive a consistent approach. How these web marketing standards should also be incorporated into the company’s standard design/technical documentation forms such as product/marketing/design requirements templates. Internal Wiki creation or an intranet to post information related to the web marketing program. This can include everything such as (SEO targets, monthly reporting, SEO documentation, training materials, training schedule) as well as posting internal web marketing wins/challenges, internal case studies, lessons learned, recommended reading material to learn more on their own, provide a forum for people to ask SEO SMEs questions (retain a running Q&A so you are not answering the same questions over and over) and anything else to inspire and excite the masses.

Session Include

  • Introduction to web marketing
  • Understanding business objectives and goals
  • Competition  analysis
  • Exploration of existing marketing strategies
  • Identification and prioritizing
  • SEO, PPC , SMM best practices
  • Paid search marketing (PPC)
  • Search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Social Media Marketing (SMM)
  • Discussion with Industry experts including developer who is an currently an online marketer
  • Creating industry SEO, SEM, SMM standard documentation for future reference
  • Interactive session with live demos
  • Q & A


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